Information Each of us will take on a role of a Charater from the game thier mostly girls but since not ll of us are female they will b princes instead i'll add more later~
Roles up for grabs right now
Liddel (~Mar~ Main Character) ~* Claimed by me *~
Loue (second main character) ~* Claimed by Trent *~
Mad Hatter (King of Clubs)
Prince Hainzel (prince of the candy kingdom)
Prince Gretzal (Prince of the ice kingdom)
Prince Kaguyo (Prince of Florin _Plant kingdom)
Prince Lyru (Prince of Desert kingdom)
Prince Duron (Prince of Metal kingdom)
White rabbit ( One of Alrion's servants)
Marche Hare (also one of Alrion's servants)
Doormourse (Marche hare's good friend also a server under Alrion)
The Joker (?) ~* Claimed by Ace *~
Kiiat (Liddel's (~Mar~ best friend) ~* Claimed by Mar unless anyone else wants to be him *~
Babayaga (Liddel's caretaker and guardian)
Alrion (King of hearts)
Eld Magican (king of the underworld)
Side Characters~
Sammy the Drifter a Shark that runs into Liddel 3 times in the game at first blows her off and calls her a kid n other mean type times until she beats him the first time then the second time he was acting a little Shyish and Cocky at the same time after thier 2nd Battle he starts to fall for her and says "Kh..i dont' mind a strong women, Maybe it was ment to be~ See ya Later Toots~!!" And leaves
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 5
Pictures: 19
Category: Games
Created: Oct 22, 2012
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Mello-Chocolate (President) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |