Information <div style="text-align: center;"><u>Background<!--center--></div></u>
<div style="text-align: center;">Alchemy
An Ancient form of protoscience, steeped in Mythology and Religion, said to be able to create objects from raw materials and base metal. Its ultimate goal was the Philosopher Stone, which had the ability to turn lead to gold, and grant everlasting life. While the practice of Alchemy did lead to the creation of modern day chemistry, it was all together deemed 'impossible' and Alchemy was thought to have dissapeared.
But it still remains, even in this modern age dominated by Science. And it wasn't at all fruitless. The Study of Alchemy did manage to produce two, radicallly different outcomes.
The first were the Homunculi. Vicious, Man-Eating creatures that can take on human form. A homunculus is created when an embryo-like creation from a plant, animal, or even a human is placed inside a human. The embryo then invades the brain and takes control of the body, giving it abilities that mimic the natural talents of the embryo's origin. They can all regenerate from virtually any wound inflicted on them, and are considered to be the closest lifeforms to immortal.
The second was the Kakugane. An alchemically-created metallic alloy, it reacts to the users fighting instinct, manifesting the person inner power into a tangible form, creating a unique weapon called "Busou Renkin". They are the only weapon capable of damaging and killing an Homunculus.<!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><u>Story<!--center--></div></u>
Our tale takes place in Oorai, a small town on the Japanese Coast. In the past three months, an alarming amount of Homunculi have appeared. They are lead by the Mysterious Masked Man Allon, who appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
His motives are unknown, but it is obvious to all that this man poses a serious threat.
In response, The Alchemic Army has dispatched a team of Warriors, under the command of Warrior Chief Augustus "Stigmata" Alchimia. Their Orders are to Elimate the Homunculus that have appeared in Oorai, and Capture Allon. If that proves impossible, they are authorized to use deadly force.
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Members: 17
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Category: Other
Created: Oct 15, 2012
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Chotgoriin (President) AngelicXI (Secretary) Gibz0matic (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations Character Relations