At the time of me making this club. I was doing it out of pure boredom. Lets see where this goes!
I made this club to see how many people enjoyed anime as I did. To see that cute little innocent girl slaughtering her best friend gives you a big smile. To see those where once someones best friend is now at their throat ready to kill them blaming them for everything is something you enjoy. Whether they're your favorite character or the one you despise you don't care much. As long as someone dies a bloody,dark death your satisfied. All the more if the characters likable. If you're like that then you belong here with me. (My god finding a good picture for a club is difficult! If someone finds a good picture please inform me.
Untill then where stuck with what I did manage to find. And also sorry for the small amount of anime that I included. So little anime I've watched get me what I described. And some of them don't even fit the best. If you know any please tell me. And also if you have a better name for the club tell me. Assuming I can edit it later.)