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Valmet (バルメ Barume)
Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura (Drama CD), Sayaka Ohara (Anime)
An ex-mechanized jäger major of the Finnish Rapid Deployment Force who is skilled with knives. She is in love with Koko, but it is unknown whether Koko returns her feelings. Her real name is Sofia Velmer. Valmet comes from a military family and served as a UN peacekeeping officer in Africa. Her entire Finnish-led UN squad was annihilated by Chen Guoming and she herself lost an eye in that attack. Since then Valmet feels uneasy and even frightened whenever she sets foot on African soil.
Source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>(manga)
Valmet is a pale skinned woman with shoulder length black hair and yellow eyes, although she recently cut her hair short so that it is chin length. She wears a white eye patch over her missing right eye. On her left shoulder blade is a black tattoo of a winged fist gripping a knife with a crucifix in the centre of the wings from her army days. She has a shapely figure and wears a variety of outfits, including the standard combat outfit worn by the rest of the team when they delivered SAMs to Pollack, and a snow camouflage uniform in South Africa. She wears a black suit and tie when on business as well as civilian attire otherwise. When she was in the Finnish military her hair was cut short and she wore her unit's standard camouflage uniform. When she first met Koko Hekmatyar she wore her semi-formal uniform, which consisted of a light green blouse, black tie, and skirt. Shortly after Mao was recruited Valmet's hair had grown to uniform chin length and she wore a light blue-purple long sleeved shirt.
Following her defeat by Chan Guoming in Africa, Valmet felt uneasy at the prospect of setting foot again on African soil and it is suggested that she had survivor guilt. Discovering who her attacker was and avenging her dead comrades was a major driving force for her.
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Valmet fell in love with Koko, who offered her a lifeline after her military career had reached its nadir following the annihilation of her platoon in Africa. Although the feeling is seemingly not mutual as Koko more or less ignores it, she does later reveal that Valmet is very important to her. She displays obvious concern and worry for Koko whenever she feels that the latter is threatened, and is openly happy to receive any displays of affection or special attention that Koko bestows on her.
Karen Lo's affiliation with Chan made her an initial enemy of Valmet's and she eagerly confronted her when she recognised Karen's fighting style in South Africa. However after Minami Amada recruited Karen to be her secretary, the two have not renewed their rivalry. Despite not caring about Mildo's idolisation of her and reluctantly accepting her rivalry, she does not want the latter to go through what she did.
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Despite missing an eye, this has not proven to be a liability to Valmet. Like all the members of the team, she is proficient with a variety of firearms. She is a master at knife fighting and excels at close quarters combat, where she can put her strength and speed to deadly effect. Ironically it was her defeat by Chan that drove her to train harder to improve her close combat skills and she unconsciously began to emulate his fighting style. Valmet can either wield two knives at once or a pistol and a knife, and has bested both Mildo and Karen respectively in this manner. She has also demonstrated the ability to sneak up on a target without them noticing her presence.
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Valmet is a third generation Finnish Army officer. Her grandfather was a lieutenant general who fought in the Winter War and Continuation War, while her father had also risen to the rank of lieutenant general and became Chief of Staff of the Defence Command. Her brother is a lieutenant colonel in the Utti Jaeger Regiment. Valmet herself rose to the rank of major and commanded a mechanized jäger company in the Finnish Rapid Deployment Force. She served as a UN peacekeeping officer in Africa, during which her entire Finnish-led UN platoon was singlehandedly annihilated by Chan Guoming. She herself lost an eye in that attack and the only clue that she had as to who her assailants were was that she was attacked by a man wielding two pistols which had been modified to allow knives to be affixed to them.
After returning home, she faced an inquiry commission. It was after this that she met a young Koko Hekmatyar, who demonstrated a thorough knowledge of her background and offered her two options with her military career essentially over. She could return to her family and settle down into domestic life, or join her and be given the key to the world to find her answers. Because settling down would break her her and unable to overcome her guilt at her subordinates' deaths and wanting to discover who had attacked them, Valmet quickly decided to join Koko. Since then she had tried to determine who had wiped out her platoon, but did not have any leads until a chance encounter with Karen Lo, Chan's subordinate, years later back in Africa. She is one of the earliest members of Koko's Squad, having joined after Chiquita left and following Lehm and Wiley.[2][3] She was with Koko when the latter was being targeted by Hex and her unit and Koko's tears and whining forced her to briefly halt their escape as Koko lost her composure. However a mortally wounded Echo then stepped in and told Koko that they would protect her, but she had to stop crying and whining.
<strong>Arc Appearances</strong>
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<strong>Fire Hare Arc</strong>
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Valmet was shown during the opening sequence with the rest of the squad and Minami watching a Hek-GG rocket launch from a naval launch platform.[5] When Koko later introduced Jonah to the squad, she reacts to the revelation that he is a child soldier by trembling as she recalled a prior experience with child soldiers, although what it was was not specified. She and Lehm are assigned to accompany Koko as backup when she drives down to the port to recover the MiG-29 upgrades. During the drive, Lehm asked Valmet what her impressions of Jonah were, but she did not have much time to form any, as the meeting had been too brief. She then began to get concerned for Koko’s safety, as she was alone with a potentially unstable former child soldier. However Lehm then annoyed her by lighting up, but was forced to quickly put out his cigarette. After the Voskhod 6 arrived on the scene and tried to take out Koko, Valmet attempted to take out the van that was separating both their cars with an FN Minimi, but the van proved too resistant to her fire. She had Lehm get close enough for her to jump onto the van's roof, and after the soldiers inside opened the rear doors to fire at Lehm and force him back, was able to swiftly get inside and take out the van's occupants. Following this she rejoined Lehm as they followed Koko to the port.
A few nights later, Valmet was asleep on a couch in the hotel room when Koko fell onto her while sleepwalking, waking her up. The following morning, she and Tojo were assigned to negotiate with the air force colonel who had agreed to purchase 15 Hind Ds from C. K. Kloshkin. On the way over, she became worried after learning from Tojo about Kloshkin's background. She was not as worried about him because he could take care of himself. During the meeting, Tojo handled the negotiations while she stayed off to the side. That night, she along with everyone else was sickened by Jonah's fried eggs.
<strong>Pulsar Arc</strong>
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She and Tojo were later sent ahead of the rest of the team when they made an arms delivery to a certain Eastern European country south of Russia. The brief border war that erupted for control of a local pipeline forced them to lie low near a valley in a house with the roof destroyed. Valmet suggested that they should have tried to meet Koko at the Orin Pass, but Tojo vetoed the idea because of the nearby fighting. While he kept watch, she rested on a couch and commented that she could not remember the last time she had slept under the stars.
The following day, Koko led the rest of the team and the two escorts who had been assigned them through some woods where Valmet and Tojo were waiting. Instructing them not to kill the escorts, they burst from hiding and captured both men, with Valmet leaping from a tree onto her target. Koko gave Valmet a hug when she saw her again, which left the latter visibly happy even after Koko had pulled away. That night they reached an abandoned watch factory, where CCAT had arrived first. While Koko met with Curry, Mildo went up to Valmet and told her that she wanted to test her again, but Valmet was not receptive. Mildo's opportunity came when both of them were assigned to scout for Pollack's men who were sent after them.
The two stepped outside and drew their knives for combat. Mildo thought that Koko has slipped, but Valmet still believed in her. Despite wielding two machetes, Mildo was unable to touch Valmet, who was using just a single knife. She revealed that she challenged her in the dark to attempt to use her handicap of having only one eye against her, but was still defeated by Valmet. Valmet commented that Mildo seemed to have gotten slower and suggested that this was due to carrying too many knives. She also reveaed that she knew that Mildo was challenged her where she had previously left some of her knives in order to possibly reuse them. When they resumed their assignment, Valmet told Mildo that she did not think that it would be a good idea to get to know more about her. Mildo disclosed her admiration of Valmet and how she overcame what she went through, but Valmet replied that she did not want her to go through what she did. However Mildo claims that she had nothing to lose and that as a fighter she felt empty, seeking something to fill the void. She then declared that she will challenge Valmet again another time before running ahead, as she sensed that their opponents are just 500 meters away. After receiving Valmet’s warning, Koko had her team prepare to fight and clear a way for CCAT. However this turned to be a ruse and the soldiers, who wanted to avenge their comrades who had been killed by Mildo, allowed the team to escape.
<strong>Musica Ex Machina Arc</strong>
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When they were later at the airport waiting to leave, Jonah observed that a departing jumbo jet had a lot of wheels. When Valmet told him that there were 14 and asked him how many wheels three such aircraft would have, he eventually responded "a lot" after some thought, causing everyone to face fault.
In Dubai, she and Lutz were drawn in after Koko and Tojo cracked a joke while attempting to teach Jonah math. When Koko wondered why her team was just staying in the hotel room instead of going out, Valmet suggested that Koko go out with her. She was temporarily disheartened when Koko responded that she had wanted to show Jonah around, but perked right back up when Koko decided to prioritize his math lesson over sightseeing. When Koko admired an expensive watch in a window, Valmet mused that other girls Koko’s age would be concerned about clothes and makeup, but thought that the watch would match her best. When Koko announced that she would buy the watch, Valmet immediately offered to buy it for her as a gift. Koko tried to talk her out of it, but Valmet insisted that it would be a symbol of her affection and stepped inside the shop before Koko could stop her. Immediately after this Chinatsu, a member of Orchestra, grabbed Koko's wrist, but was surprised by the latter's response. Valmet came running out to support her which led Shisho, who was seated at a nearby café, to draw his pistol. This caught Valmet's attention and when she called out, Jonah leaped from the roof and fired at Shisho. Chinatsu was able to break free while Valmet took cover. Jonah took Koko behind a concrete planter box for protection while Chinatsu faced off against Valmet.
After the Dubai Police Force arrived and were wiped out by Orchestra, Valmet was able to grab a ballistic shield dropped by the police and tried to rejoin Koko and Jonah. She was forced to stop when Chinatu began shooting at her and returned fire, hitting Shisho in the shoulder. He then began to target her with an AKS-47, pinning her down while Chinatsu picked up a shield to provide cover. Jonah tried to support her with an MP5K he was carrying in a backpack and Valmet made a run for them, but one of Shisho's bullets punched through her shield and wounded her in the left leg. She was forced to shelter behind the planter box but could not reach Koko and Jonah. Valmet apologised to Koko for not being much use and the latter tried to reassure her. Seeing this, Jonah broke cover and directly charges Orchestra while firing in an attempt to save them. He was reeled in by Lehm before he got killed, who also provided enough of a distraction for Koko and Valmet to circle around and reach him. Lehm had Jonah protect Koko while he helped Valmet and met up with the rest of the team. When they arrived, he had Tojo support him and Valmet took his place in the CR-V driven by Ugo and they went ahead to try and protect Jonah and Koko. During the running gunfight with Shisho, she used an MP5 while supporting R and Mao. After their CR-V crashed after being blasted by the M2 Browning that Orchestra had mounted in their pickup truck's rear seat, she and the others withdrew on Koko's signal after Scarecrow appeared. Three nights later she was shown asleep on a couch in the team's hotel room with her left leg bandaged.
<strong>African Golden Butterflies Arc</strong>
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While en route to South Africa on the Atlas, she stayed by Koko and gave her her radio when the ship's captain gave an update that Kasper Hekmatyar's freighter was approaching. Koko's reaction prompted her to ask what was wrong and she learned that Kasper was also on the freighter. When he boarded with Chiquita, she greeted the latter.
Source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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