What <strong>is</strong> Who Is Imouto?
Is it the name of Hajime Taguchi's superb detective mystery?
Is is the question that Mikadono asks himself again and again once embroiled in the dark underside of Miryuuin?
Is it what the series' passionate fans will cry out with every episode and chapter as the labyrinthine twists and turns of the series break down their every expectation?
Oh, it's all that... and more.
Taguchi's tale of a young man, training as a policeman until he finds several mutilated bodies and a note from the murderer, apparently his long-lost sister who daisukis him so much she could kill, and thus is forced to go undercover at a local academy to identify her, is a magnificent work to begin with, enhanced by Gokumi's superlative animation and the masterful direction of rising star Munenori Nawa. Let this be the premier place to discuss the top series of Summer 2012, and formulate our own ideas on who truly is 'Imouto'.
As a matter of courtesy, please no spoilers beyond the anime. Some of us may have read the novels, but spoiling it for those enjoying the intrigue for the first time is utterly, truly detestable.
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Members: 17
Pictures: 0
Category: Anime
Created: Jul 9, 2012
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