Information It's the ultimate anime challenge. Who will be the winner? We will see...
To avoid misunderstandings - challenge is a topic for each day, like for example: your favorite anime, the funniest series you've seen, character, which you really hate etc. You just need to answer ^^
No riddles, puzzles or something like that, don't worry~ (I have prepared those for time till the UAC will start and after it finishes ^^)
1. UAC will last from 1st August till 31st December 2012. Postponed till admin's laptop will be working again~
UAC has 153 days. First week had 5 days, because the challenge started on Wednesday and not on Monday. Every next week is starting on Monday and it'll have 7 days.
2. There will be one challenge per day.
3. It will be posted in different time every day.
4. Challenge will be open for 24 hours from its start (the time, when it will be posted). After then it will be closed.
5. Every person who will answer the challenge in time will get one point.
6. First three people who will answer the challenge will get two bonus points.
7. You can answer the challenge even when it will be officially finished, if you wish, but you won't get any points.
8. At the end of every week there will be special prize for three people with the most points.
9. At the end of every month there will be special prize for five people with the most points.
10. At the end of UAC there will be special prize for 10 people with the most points.
11. Every person who will participate in UAC can get:
- "Challenge accepted" badge
- Member card
- Weekly SE card
- Monthly SE card
- "Challenge completed" badge
12. There will be also special LE cards for:
- Day 10, Day 50, Day 100, Day 150
- Halloween & Christmas
(that's everything for now, maybe I'll come with some more ^^)
Try your cleverness~
Event ended
Puzzle Masters~
There's still a lot of time till the beginning of UAC, so I prepared something to kill boredom meantime. It's a series of 6 puzzles, which you're supposed to solve and send me your answer in message. So, the rules: 1. There will be 6 puzzles. 2. New puzzle will be posted each Wednesday, till the beginning of UAC. 3. If you send me answer and it will be wrong, I'll give you hint. On Sunday will be posted hint on forum for those, who won't solve the puzzle till then. 4. You'll send me your answer in message. 5. Everyone, who will send me answer, can choose SE card. There will be one representative of smart characters for every puzzle. 6. There will be Special Edition Puzzle card at the end of the event. 7. There will be points system - first person, who answers correctly will get 4 points, second 3 points and third 2 points. Others with correct answer will get 1 point.Also there's one bonus point for person, who will as first guess the right answer without hint. For three people with the most points there will be special cards at the end of the event. 8. If you solve all puzzles correctly, you'll get title of Puzzle Master and badge (you'll be able to pick the picture of your choice, if you don't like the original...) [center] Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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Members: 163
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Category: Anime
Created: Jun 8, 2012
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