This term came from the radio talk show which was hosted by the certain otaku entertainer, 伊集院光[Hikaru Ijyuin]. In the show, he mentioned his embarrassing past when he was young(14 years old?), and asked the listners to post their own painful pasts. He summed it up as 中二病[chunibyou], or eight-grade-disease. Since that was well put, otaku people started to make a post on the net to write about their own pasts. To get to the point, 中二病 means a ridiculous and painful thought or such a behavior those are frequently seen among 14-year-old boys(中二 is an abbreviation of 中学二年生[chugakuninensei], or 8th grade). Or, those people who have such a thought or do such a thing although they are grown-up. If there is a 2ch-like saying, it should be written as 厨二病.
Simply, 中二病 means something 8th-grade-boys mostly do in order to try to surpass anybody else. But it also means someone pretends to know how the world works in spite of being a kid, or someone who pretends to be special far from others. Meanwhile, they might get cocky all of a sudden, or ironically look down on adults. Yes, in the show mentioned above, most of the teenagers seemed to have 中二病 though some of them were not really 14.
Well, I just quickly list it out in order to describe how 中二病 is.
a. Claiming to be the God of the new world without Death Note.
b. Claiming that you can change the world without the power of Geass.
c. Foaming a SOS Brigade and searching for misteries on Sunday.
d. Despising your father although you can’t pilot Eva.
e. 戦士症候群 (in a way)
f. Wishing to be a real キルドレ (in a way)
g. Shouting “I am in despair!” all the time.
h. Keep talking about the one thing as if knowing everything of it. (超うざい)
i. Copying Shokotan-go all the time. (痛い!)
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Created: Dec 8, 2011
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