haruhi suzumiya no shiitsu
<!--quote--><div class="quotetext"><strong>Ikkou said:</strong><!--quotesaid--><br>this club is for the real fans of haruhi suzumiya - the ones that survived AND liked - no, loved endless eight, like me :D because endless eight is an milestone of story in the season 2 of haruhi suzumiya :)
endless eight, based on the same story for eight episodes with light differences (different clothes, points of view, etc.)
so, everyone that enjoys endless eight like me :D feel free to join the REAL haruhi fans - join the real SOS Brigade.
you can't stop endless eight - if you think the same - join it! the best part of haruhi since Season 2 :D <!--quote--></div>
<strong>Endless Eight Club | Real SOS Brigade</strong> <!--link--><a href=" http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=25255">clublink</a>
<strong>Homepage:</strong> Ikkou's <a href=" http://www.endless-eight.de.vu" target="_blank"> www.endless-eight.de.vu</a> <strong>/</strong> Haruhi's <strong><em>Endless Eight - Die Homepage FAQ Information.</em></strong> <a href=" http://www.haruhi_suzimiya.mx35.de/" target="_blank"> http://www.haruhi_suzimiya.mx35.de/</a>
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Members: 6
Pictures: 0
Category: Anime
Created: Jan 7, 2011
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