Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII.
Vincent Valentine is an optional playable character in Final Fantasy VII, and main character of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-. A former Turk with a mysterious past, Vincent's hidden secrets tie him directly to several of the Compilation's main antagonists.
Vincent's weapon of choice is a handgun and his Limit Breaks cause him to shapeshift as a result of the experiments Hojo performed on him. His Japanese voice actor is Shougo Suzuki, and he is voiced by Steven Jay Blum in English. Since his introduction, he has become one of the most popular characters in the Compilation.
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Quotes :
"Too much hope is the opposite of despair... An overpowering love may consume you in the end."Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
"The gate of tomorrow is not the light of heaven, but the darkness in the depths of the Earth."Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
"I've built a wall not to block anyone out but to see who loves me enough to climb over it."
your approval isn't needed"
"You can close your eyes from the things you dont want to see;
but you cant close your heart from things you dont want to feel"
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