Information <div style="text-align: center;">~<u><span style="font-size: 150%;">Story<!--size--></span></u>~<!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">In the 22nd century, Humanity succeeded in creating "Magic Spells", an unlimited resource that can produce the five elements without any cost. The research of magic spells was categorized as "Magic Technology", and the new alchemic theory was dubbed "Magic".
Techniques like igniting fire at your fingertips, or moving objects without touching them were no longer a dream.
With the development of magic, the reformed United Nations placed a restriction on old world world technology, due to its detrimental effects on the environment, and globally forbade the possession of arms.
In its place, a new plan, one that would transform man into a more powerful entity, was set into motion: The Gears Project. For a while, the world saw peace as the number of wars between each nation decreased, thanks to the abundant resources provided by magic.
But there was no end to humanity's foolishness.
Countless disputes regarding concession agreements on magic cast a dark shadow over the project, and instead of its original goal, it created biological weapons, beasts that possessed stout bodies and an enormous supply of Mana. They were called Gears, named after the project that bore them.
They would eventually become the cause of a great war that would leave a century-long scar on human history:The Crusades.
The catalyst for the war was a Gear once originally docile to humans. During the development of Gears, it was the only one authorized to be complete, an ultimate weapon with an absolute power to command others of its kind. Without warning and without reason, it declared war against humanity, calling itself Justice, and took on its side all the Gears in existence. Thus began the crusades. <!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">~<u><span style="font-size: 100%;">Rules and General Info<!--size--></span></u>~<!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">-Please wait until your character is approved before RPing.
- Don't overpower yourself. This mainly applies to Gears.
- Mind the setting. When creating a character, They can be either Human or Gears. No Hybrids. "Old World" Technology is rare, and firearms are limited, since many factories that made guns were shutdown. Keep this in Mind.<!--center--></div>
- The is also another group, "The Sacred Order of Holy Knight", lead by Ky Kiske. These are humans that process greater magical capabilities than normal humans. Everyone can't be a member, so I am thinking about limiting the number of members or making it Admin only.
<div style="text-align: center;">~<u><span style="font-size: 100%;">Groups<!--size--></span></u>~<div style="text-align: center;">
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<strong>Sacred Order of Holy Knights</strong>
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Category: Games
Created: Aug 1, 2010
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