Information Okay i have already written the full script for this idea but i ditched it during the editing phase because i deemed it to not have a strong enough story line, just mere hacking and slashing not very interesting at all. As such i have started this club for the members to RP the script. I will provide the script i previously wrote at the start of each "Episode". The RP'ers are not to follow the script directly but rather to use it as a guideline as to what i would like to happen in the episode and to have happened by the end of the episode. If you have any questions just ask.
A Brief Summary
This world is very similar to our except for that their are certain people throughout the world that have these 'powers' to call forth a weapon out of thin air. These people are not sort after because they are obsolete compared to modern weaponry. Akira was just an ordinary high school student with friends and a crush like every other student. He could call forth a scythe and was the 'cool kid' of the school. All this changed when his crush was kidnapped and he left to rescue her with the help of girl he had never known existed.
Kinda cheesy i know but eh i made the idea for the gore and that is why i deemed it not to have a strong story, hopefully with some creative RP'ing that can be fixed. :)
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Members: 10
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Category: Manga
Created: Jul 13, 2010
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Haissem (President) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |