Information Definition of Oshare Kei:
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A Japanese music and fashion style, translating to "fashion conscience." The bands of the oshare kei genre, unlike those of visual kei, are bouncy and bright, their songs focusing on happy and positive messages like friends and relationships. Their style is colorful and vibrant, sometimes similar to decora, but usually much more toned down. Other than occasional eyeliner and colored contacts, they rarely wear alot of makeup, also unlike the visual kei genre. Oshare kei started to appear around 2001, and was said to have been started by Ryo of Baroque in their PV "Anakuro Film".
Kra, Ancafe, Irokui, Panic*CH, HeaRt, Ichigo69, Vinett, Lolita23q, Shelly Trip Realize, Charlotte, Clavier and bis are examples of oshare kei bands.
(From Urban Dictionary)
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Created: Jul 4, 2010
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