Information Eiserne Jungfrau (アイゼルネ・ユングフラウ) is a clergy introduced in End of the Golden Witch. Its name literally means "Iron Maiden" in German. It is a redemption enforcement agency supervised by the Great Court of Heaven, tasked with carrying out interrogations and executions of those who have committed heresy, particularly witches. It is made up of seven Inquisitors, lead by Archbishop Dlanor A. Knox, and several other Assistant Inquisitors. The Eiserne Jungfrauen boast a great number of spectacular achievements in witch-hunting, and are extremely well-known among other agencies.
Inquisitors are armed with two kinds of weapons: the Red Key and the Blue Key. These weapons do not cause physical damage, but instead attack concepts. The Red Key is used to deny the existence of concepts, particularly the concept of witches, and cannot be blocked, avoided, or stalled. The Blue Key is used to cause concepts to waver and create self-doubt in the intended target, though it can be defended against. The Keys take different shapes depending on the Inquisitors who wield them. In heresy trials, the Eiserne Jungfrauen enforce a set of ten commandments created by Dlanor A. Knox's father known as "Knox's Decalogue."
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Dlanor A. Knox (ドラノール・A・ノックス)
Chief Inquisitor of Eiserne Jungfrau and a first-class archbishop, popularly known as "Dlanor of the Ten Wedges" and "Death Sentence Dlanor." She is named after Ronald Knox.
She has the appearance of a girl with lavender hair and yellow eyes, and wears a uniform similar to that of a cleric. The ends of her sentences are written in katakana as a form of honorifics. She puts on a cold mask towards witches and takes her duties very seriously. Despite her duties as a witch-hunter, however, she is old friends with Virgilia (she classifies Virgilia as one of the "good witches").
Her main weapons are her Red Key and Blue Key, which take the forms of a longsword and shortsword, respectively. She is only dispatched by the Great Court as a last resort after a case is vigorously inspected; in other words, to have Dlanor sent is the equivalent of receiving a death sentence, hence the nickname "Death Sentence Dlanor." Her father created Knox's Decalogue and was a legendary Inquisitor, but broke his own commandments and was interrogated and executed by Dlanor herself, who stopped aging physically and mentally afterward for mysterious reasons.
Cornelia (コーネリア)
An aide in Eiserne Jungfrau, and a third-class priest. She wears a cleric-like uniform and appears as a girl with red eyes and bobbed brown hair decorated with yellow ribbons. She has a strong sense of justice, but despite her cold exterior shared by her comrades, she is quite hot-blooded in nature.
Gertrude (ガートルード)
A senior aide in Eiserne Jungfrau, and a first-class priest. She wears a uniform similar to Dlanor's, and appears as a girl with red eyes and long blond hair. Like her comrades, she appears extremely deadpan when on duty, but is actually a very charitable character well-liked by her juniors. She was offered to be a top Inquisitor like Dlanor, but she kindly refused. <!--spoiler--></span></div>
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