Well people, lets face it, like everything else in the world Anime has become one of those things where there is little balance, I mean in the past 5 years, many anime have become Radically Perverse for no reason
but yea, this club is all about supporting moderation in anime! what does this mean you may ask.
1. Support the Decrease of the amount of fanservice & Pointless innuendo in anime (be it the kind for boys or girls)
2. Fanservice should only be used for comedic purposes &/or should only be used sparingly.
3. Teach the masses that not all anime fanboys & girls are sullen pervs, that their are anime fans that watch the shows for the stories & characters!
4. Try to get people to understand that their is no point in obsessivly lusting over a fictional character! (even if they are really good looking, lol!) how ever it is OK to like or idiolize said character.
so in essance this club is not about anti or pro fanservice, it is mearly about getting this " Epidimic" if you will under control, all types of content have their place in the art of animation, but when one becomes so strong, that it makes the anime community as a whole look bad, i think its time to do somthing about it.
so yea, this club is about bringing back balance to the medium & the community, and reminding people that animation is a ARTFORM, a type of storytelling, not somthing to oogle, or get off on....so all you guys and gals, that are tired of seeing an excessive amount of fanservice (of any kind, be it aimed at men or women, or both) Come & join my club, support the moderartion of fanservice in anime!
Thank you...that is all!
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Members: 2
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Category: Anime
Created: Feb 17, 2010
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