People from around the world come and help make this world better! Help support Racheals club, think you can handle it?
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold...the two perpratraitors of Columbine High School placed a bomb in the school that never went off. So they instead, they started shooting at the schools entrance.
Rachel is a girl from Colorado, Columbine High School who died in (1999) a school shooting along with several other students and one teacher. So whats so great about Rachel in particular?
She touched the lives of many(This year 1,097,296), during her time alive. Always helping anyone in need, whether it would be in school or some local person, it didn't matter. Rachels Challenge Challenges you to do the right thing!
She was only 17 in High School, when two of her own classmates came to school with a gun and killed people, afterwards they shot themselves not wanting to face the charges. Thats the thing, why die young and a criminal, when you can do the right thing and live longer. This club is dedicated to Rachel for trying to make the world a better place.
Rachels famouse qoute: "You just might start a chain reaction."
SO! Will you accept her challenge?
We will discuss in further detail when more people have joined. :3
RULES: If people do not follow the rules they will get a warning, then a ban for 2 weeks, then a permanent ban if they keep it up.
1.) Do not say anything that might harm a person in any way. This is a club for people who want to make the world a better place.
2.) This place only holds people with a good tongue, no bad mouthing anything
3.) Follow the regular MAL rules too
4.) If you would like to become an Admin, contact me, I am in need of some right now...
5.) Have fun!
Coming up with more detailed rules later
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Members: 2
Pictures: 8
Category: Other
Created: Jan 20, 2010
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