Information <div style="text-align: center;">Our way to the World Domination:
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Otaku Bootcamp - If you want to become an Otaku or want to be a better Otaku oô!
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>Lesson 1- Anime Marathon
Watching 24 hours - Anime without stopping.
(To eat and small breaks (in whole not more than 2hours) are ok like going on toillete.
Lesson 2
At least 200GB of Anime stored.
Lesson 3
Japanese - Numbers
zero - zero
ichi, hitotsu - one
ni, futatsu - two
san, mittsu - three
yon, shi, yottsu - four
go, itsutsu - five
roku, muttsu - six
nana, shichi, nanatsu - seven
hachi, yattsu - eight
Kyû, ku, kokonotsu - nine
jû, tô - ten
(The first numbers (japanese) for counting or to summaryplot, single-digit sums.
The second numbers (chinese) are used for big numbers (combinations).
Lesson 3.1
Important Japanese Vocabulary
desu - to be ->can be used in different meanings
(suki desu - something liking)
omoi desu - something is heavy)
sekai - World
ô-sama - King
Jinru - Mankind
Onii-san - big Brother
ototo chan - little Brother
Onee san - big Sister
imoto chan - little Sister
oto san - Father
oka san - Mother
o-ba san - Grandma
o-ji san - Grandpa
Lesson 3.2
Important Japanese - Otaku Vocabulary
moe - cute and sexy
kawaii - cute, sweet
hentai - perversely, kinky
ecchi - sexy, erotic
pantsu - panties
seiyû - dubber, voice actor
Lesson 3.3
Important Japanese Vocabulary
How to convince yourselve, how to greet someone.
O-haiô (gozaimasu) - Good morning
//notice: theres a shortend form "ossu" beacause >haio gozaima< dont has any meaning
Konnichi-wa - Hello / Good afternoon
Konban-wa - Good evening
tadaima - I'm back! (home)
o-kaeri(-nasai) - Welcome back (home)
itte kimasu - good bye (if you leave the house)
itte rassai - good bye (to the one, who is leaving the house)
sayonara - so long, farewell
//Very important!
<strong>Yoroshiku</strong> - a very politely please. Its like "please be kindly to me", if you want some one to be "good" to you. (Its used very frequently)
O-negai - please
sumimasen - excuse me (i have to go ..)
gomen nasai - I'm sorry (for the mistake ..)
itadakimasu - thank you, for the meal (like: "enjoy your meal")
kanpai - Cheers!
Otaku Bootcamp Phase 4:
A real Otaku needs stuff, for his addiction.
Phase four means, to get your stuff. So you need Anime, Manga, and as many Merchandise Articles, you can get.
You have to buy stuff in a amount of minimum 300€ (400$), to support the Anime industrie and to convert others to Otakuism.
Everything is Ok, if you have at least minimum one complete (bigger) Series, like "Code Geass +R2" an two Movies.
Also good are Mangas, Cosplays, Figures, Clothing ... and so on.
But watch your money! Its no need to do phase four within the next time. But its important to invest.
So, if you have eneugh, spend it well.
How much of the openings do you know?
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 33
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Jan 18, 2010
Club Staff
Otaku-Kun (President) SixxJo (Secretary) -Keiki- (Officer) TestUser777 (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations |