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I make random club cards when I'm bored, just as the title says, and I know alot of you out there do the same thing. I have my reasons though. One of the most pushing reasons I have is to surpass my mortal enemy, pupsia, in number of member cards. She has buttloads of cards, and I do not.
In this club I will make it my best effort to make random member cards for myself, and for any of you out there that want them as well. Most cards will consist of this club name, a cool picture, and some text that says "I AM A FAN OF <insert character name here>"
I.M.R.M.C.B.I.B is a bad acronym, so this club will be known as:
Aimu Arumu Shiibibi
I am happy with this.
I JUST DECIDED. This club will double as an 'other clubs without cards' club! Basically, request a club that you wish had member cards, and someone here will make said card, and we'll distribute them from here to make it all official like. I don't care if this makes no sense, it's the newest rule now.
Lately I've been sort of lazy with making cards,but for good reason! I am now well versed in the world of photoshop, and have made craploads of templates! as a special service, My newest templates will be added on my friend's birthday of January 28th, and you will be able to request not one, not two, but 10 of these new templates if you so choose. But this will be a limited time thing, because I am still a lazy person. So, let's say we'll make this offer available from the time they are released until the end of January. Then I'll be taking away some of the templates available and setting the limit back down to 2-3.
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 195
Pictures: 0
Category: Anime
Created: Nov 21, 2009
Club Staff
Frettiko (President) eL_marco (Secretary) frei-chan (Secretary) FullmetalPHX (Secretary) HellGirl (Secretary) IZUMI64 (Secretary) Kanamei-chan (Secretary) PockyLoveLove (Secretary) Wolflover777 (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |