WELL SINCE NOBODY READS THE BEFORE COMMENT ON THE CLUB FOR SOME REASON HERE IS THE DEFINITION OF C.A.K.E Club of Ass Kickery Enrichment This is a club for 1.)People who love anime 2.) People who have awesome things to share about anime 3.) who's animes ass kickery is over 9000 (no I don't like DBZ this is just one of my favorite quotes) 4.)and finally people who can discuss in a manner that is suitable to talk to royalty...........about anime... so that means no cussin people >.> Andrew just used this introduction so new anime users and stupid people can understand Andrew. RULES OF ANDREW: 1.Nobody comment on the fact that Andrew will forget to speak in 3rd person sometimes.(This usually occur when Andrew is sleepy, angry, or tired) 2.You will talk to Andrew in 3rd person also. 3.You will address Andrew as either Andrew-sama, Andrew-niisama, or Danjo (VIOLATORS WILL BE MARKED WITH A DEATH PENALTY) 4.When Andrew says drop it DROP IT 5.Fights give Andrew headaches and spams the club. Make a thread and put both your sides in and make it a vote. Winner gets to stay loser is at least let away and at most kicked depending on the fight and Andrew's prospective. Do not send Andrew more then 3 PM's about the fight if Andrew doesn't reply (if you do both are getting kicked) [X] 9 Members [X] 10 Members [X] 25 Members [ ] 50 Members [ ] 100 Members [ ] 200 Members [ ] 250 Members [ ] 300 Members [ ] 400 Members [ ] 500 Members [ ] 600 Members [ ] 750 Members [ ] 800 Members [ ] 900 Members [ ] 999 Members [ ] 1000+ Members

Club Members

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Displaying 5 of 10 topics | See All
Club Discussion
What is your favorite anime character?
asjgfhapwh - Nov 22, 2009
3 repliesby cha-chan »»
Dec 12, 2009 1:01 PM
What would you be?
asjgfhapwh - Dec 1, 2009
0 repliesby asjgfhapwh »»
Dec 1, 2009 8:53 PM
asjgfhapwh - Nov 20, 2009
0 repliesby asjgfhapwh »»
Nov 20, 2009 3:07 PM
What are you doing over the break?
asjgfhapwh - Nov 16, 2009
7 repliesby asjgfhapwh »»
Nov 19, 2009 9:40 PM
Poll: What type of anime character do you think you are?
asjgfhapwh - Nov 13, 2009
3 repliesby Mariejoanna »»
Nov 14, 2009 3:20 PM

Club Comments
carterhayes1 | Apr 4, 2010 8:24 AM

carterhayes1 | Feb 14, 2010 10:39 AM
C.A.K.E.! WOO!

TNinja | Dec 12, 2009 12:54 PM
I hear wind blows.

TNinja | Dec 1, 2009 9:49 PM
Anime maraton!

asjgfhapwh | Dec 1, 2009 8:55 PM
AGAIN VERY SORRY I have been stuck with some homework from yesterday and my brothers wouldn't let me use computers cuz I literally spent all day watching anime on it broke my 8 hour strait record and made it 12 :P so I'm sorry I got the post topic in late

TNinja | Nov 23, 2009 2:50 PM
Check my profile, and you'll see an image of that glitch as well.

asjgfhapwh | Nov 23, 2009 1:42 PM
Zomg glitches D: I got 65535 unread new messages xD

asjgfhapwh | Nov 22, 2009 5:52 PM
gomen gomen I've been tied up by Taiga being beaten senseless while yelling more, more... No wait that was a dream I had last night. Well I've been busy so I haven't been able to come on to check

Club Stats
Members: 38
Pictures: 14
Category: Other
Created: Sep 25, 2009

Club Staff
carterhayes1 (Secretary)
king_of_games (Secretary)
Mariejoanna (Secretary)
Mikuro64 (Secretary)
Yay-- (Secretary)
Bye-MAL (Officer)
Chiruno-Baka9 (Officer)
lalalagirl (Officer)

Club Type
This is a public club.
Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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