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If you are a fan of Captain Hitsugaya Toushirou and Vice Captain Matsumoto Rangiku of the 10th Squad in Bleach, then join this club.
Toshiro Hitsugaya (日番谷 冬獅郎)
Birthdate: December 20
Height: 133 cm (4'4")
Weight: 28 kg (62 lbs)
Hair: White
Eyes: Turquoise
Rank: Captain of 10th Division
Zanpakuto: Hyōrinmaru
Shikai command: Soten ni zase, Hyorinmaru! (Reign over the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!)
Bankai command: Daiguren Hyorinmaru!
Hitsugaya comes from Junrinan, District 1 of Rukongai. There, he lived with an old woman (said to be his grandmother), Momo Hinamori, and possibly other people. Little else is known about his past, but it is known that he became a shinigami shortly after Hinamori. He is also a friend of Jidanbou, the West Gate Keeper, and was the one who taught him the "city rules."
As a child, Hitsugaya was a bit of a brat who liked to eat watermelons and poke fun at Hinamori. She would call him "Shiro-chan" and he would counter by calling her "Bed-wetter Momo." The two were close friends and Hitsugaya, despite being younger and much shorter than his friend, always felt that he needed to protect her. His favorite food are watermelon and sweet natto, he also hates hot weather.
With Hitsugaya's natural talent, he quickly entered the shinigami institute shortly after Hinamori, despite his age. She continued to call him "Shiro-chan" out of habit and felt she needed to protect him. Because of a promise she had made, she only began to call him "Hitsugaya-kun" after he had achieved his zanpakutō's initial release and was recognized as a shinigami. Highly capable and knowledgeable, he quickly became the youngest of the captains within the Gotei 13.
(Sources: Wikipedia; BleachExile)
Rangiku is an attractive woman with long, wavy, strawberry-blonde hair (worn short in her youth), icy blue eyes, and a beauty spot to the right of her mouth. Her most distinctive features are her very large breasts, which are even larger than Orihime Inoue's. She also shares Orihime's strange taste in food. She dresses in the garb typical of shinigami, though her robes hang loose enough for her ample bosom to be revealed. She wears a necklace and a pink scarf over her shoulders. In addition, her lieutenant's armband is worn on her uniform's sash, as opposed to around the arm.
Rangiku tends to be a slacker who doesn't like paperwork and loves to drink saké. She's not the least bit modest about her appearance, frequently referring or complaining about her large breasts in casual conversation. She even tries to bribe Ichigo Kurosaki into letting her stay at his house using them, though unsuccessfully. Her easy-going and free-spirited personality is in sharp contrast with the serious Hitsugaya, but the two seem to be quite close, regardless. Rangiku is almost constantly by his side and has shown her loyalty to him on several occasions. While she seems somewhat self-centered, she is sensitive to the feelings of others, evident when she sees the concern Hitsugaya has for Momo Hinamori, the guilt Izuru Kira shares with her when Gin Ichimaru is revealed as a traitor, and when Orihime feels depressed about her role in Ichigo Kurosaki's life. Despite her lackadaisical image, she can be extremely serious when needed. She's shown to be somewhat maternal, especially with Orihime and Momo.
Not much is mentioned about Rangiku's past. She came from Rukongai and was rescued as a child by Gin Ichimaru; the two soon became friends. In one short chapter from the manga, she was once asked by Ichimaru during her childhood when her birthday was. She replied that she did not know because she had been alone for as far as she could remember. This possibly means she was orphaned since birth. When he heard about this, Ichimaru told her that if this was the case, then her birthday should be set on the day they met (the day she was not alone anymore).
It is not known how she became a shinigami or how she became lieutenant of the 10th Division, but it is known that she has held the position longer than her current captain has held his. She first met Hitsugaya in Rukongai when the two bumped into one-another. Recognizing his immense power, and the harm it was causing to the old woman he lived with, she convinced him to become a shinigami in order to control it.
Source: Wikipedia<!--spoiler--></span></div>
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