Live by the sword: Samurai Rp club.
the Samurai are the most honorable of all warriors known to human kind, this is an rp about two rival samurai clans, who both search for the same treasure, believing that it will allow them to rule over all of the lands.
The clans:
The Tokugawa: (are an evil clan, looking for world domination)
The Takeda: (are a good clan who are trying to rule for peace.)
The Aki-gin (nuetral clan thought dead supposedly killed off)(plz ask both Raylot and Drrakkarr be4 joining this clan)
There is one other clan,, but there numbers have dwindled down to the last four members, they are the Hiruko Clan, they were intrusted to protect the treasure from all outsiders. With the last of their streangth they will carry out their task.
This Rp is set in modern times, yet there have been no advancements in technology as suh and weaponry is still basic (i.e, no guns or modern weapons.)
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Members: 52
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Aug 16, 2009
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