SPARTA LOCALS started in the Rock City, Fukuoka, on 1998”N. After they released the 1st album, they'd become known nationwide for their powerful act. Now, many rock fans recognize their emortional music with pop essence, agressive dance beat and straightforward lyrics.
Shinnichi Ito (G)
Kosei Abe (Vo,G)
Mitsuhiro Abe (B)
Takeshi Kajiyama (Dr)
<!--link--><a href="">Oficial web</a> -/- <!--link--><a href="">MySpace Sparta Locals</a> -/- <!--link--><a href="">Wiki (Only japanese*)</a>
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* not only in japanese, in polski too <!--link--><a href="">here</a> xD!!!<!--spoiler--></span></div>