Information This is just your average claim club:
-You Come
-Claim Things
-Get a Banner
-And Then Forget This Club Ever Existed!! ^^
Only problem, we're not approved by the MAL club known as the U.F.C.C., which means within days after this club is created, we will be placed on the black list! (Oh well, more advertising for us) : )
And with a name like ours, we're just begging to be placed on that awesome list!
Oh well, anyways, this is an official claim club, so you may still come a claim whatever. Seeing that this is my first claim club, I'm not really sure what I should do with it as it is mainly a novelty club that I made out boredom, so I'll make it a "claim a character", not like we have enough of those on MAL! X D
So, let's see, anyone may claim a character of their choice, and members are allowed to claim the same thing as someone from a previous claim. (I always hate it when the only character I want is already claimed and unavailable). So, yeah.
No posting requirements.
And also, limit of three character choices!
We need some banner makers and what not, and feel free to just start claiming.
Also, feel free to join just for the novelty of the club! ; )
<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">(Don't get me wrong either, I don't hate the U.F.C.C, I just don't like being controlled by anyone or any organization. I made this club mainly to say that I not going to listen to a group of members telling me what and what not to do, and I don't need their approval for anything. I also don't support the A.U.F.C.C because I don't like hating or protesting things. Everyone has their own opinions, and who am I to say they're wrong?)<!--strike--></span>
Wow, really U.F.C.C.? Well...
This club is now a supporter of the A.U.F.C.C.! ^^
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<strong>Club Banners:</strong>
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We will start making and giving out banners after we get a few more banner makers. Please be patient! ^^
Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 34
Pictures: 0
Category: Characters
Created: Mar 14, 2009
Club Staff
Dr_Jan_Itor (President) InTeRnAlDaRkNeSs (Secretary) mikiu (Secretary) Miru-SAMA (Secretary) Ririka (Secretary) ShiroYuki1 (Secretary) TinyTashii (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |