Information <div style="text-align: center;">
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<strong>Kanji Tatsumi (巽 完二 ,Tatsumi Kanji?) </strong>
<strong>A</strong> male delinquent with a bright-blonde/silver, swept-back, crewcut who has a scar above his left eye. He wears many piercings, metal jewelry, and a black sweater with a skull-and-crossbones design on it under his school uniform. He uses brute force in combat, swinging weapons such as steel chairs and shields. Kanji has a reputation as being a bully, and is the center of numerous rumors regarding a confrontation with a local biker gang. He also attends Yasogami High. His mother runs a textile shop in their home with Amagi's family being one of their main customers. Kanji is skilled with tailoring for this reason.
<strong>H</strong>is Persona is Take Mikazuchi of The Emperor Arcana, which, like Kanji, is a large, imposing figure with a skeleton-like design similar to Kanji's winter uniform. He uses electric spells and physical attacks. Once the player completes Kanji's Emperor S.Link, Take-Mikazuchi will evolve into Rokuten Maō.
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>K</strong>anji's Midnight Channel dungeon is a men's bathhouse. His Shadow is a mostly nude version of himself surrounded in a bed of roses holding two Mars symbols. It initially represents his resentment of having his softer side and his artistic abilities ridiculed by girls, but was in fact stemmed from his deep desire to be accepted for who he truly is, as well as his fears of being rejected by society. His own sexuality, however, is left for the player's interpretation.
<strong>I</strong>n the S.Link for The Emperor, Kanji and the protagonist met a boy who lost a doll. Reminded of his situation during that age and in an effort to cheer up the child, Kanji personally made him a few dolls, which were done so well that it became a hit to the children and their mothers, due to this Kanji's textile shop added his works as side business, and by the end of the game he has his own handcraft classes. Kanji eventually learns to take pride in his skills, rather than hide them.<!--spoiler--></span></div> <!--center--></div>
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Created: Mar 6, 2009
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