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<img src=" http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1109/151285906de2068m3p.jpg" border="0">
<span style="color:hotpink">Resembling the great oriental myths and legends of history, Cardcaptors is the epic story of an ordinary young girl who becomes a hero as she struggles to save the world from destructive magical forces.
In ancient time, a powerful sorcerer named Clow Reed harnessed the power of magic into separate, distinct entities - Gold,Clouds,Wind,Rain and Electricity. When the entities become unwieldy and dangerous, he captured their powers and contained them within cards. These Clow Cards were put into the mystical Clow Book and sealed to protect the world. Clow Reed designed the book so it could only be released by someone possessing magical powers.
To protect the book's contents, Clow Reed created a protector- Kereberos, the Guard rules the Sun. 'kere' embodies the from of a small yellow creature who becomes the Cardcaptor's valued mentor and teacher. And on the back of the book, Clow Reed created Yue , who rules the moon. Yue is the judge of those who come into possessing of the Cards, deciding if they are worthy of such possessing.
The Clow Book was carefully hidden from prying eyes for thousands of years, onty by the archaeologist Aiden Avalon, fother of the futere Cardcaptor Sakura, possessing no magic him self, Aidem was unable to open the Book , and it collected dust on his shelf until if was accidentally opened bi his doughter Sakura, relesing the magical powers that had been so carefully cantained by Clow Reed into our present world.
And now, it is Sakura's destiny to collect the Clow Cards, hernessing their power and keeping then from causing trouble in the world once more. For she is...
the Cardcaptor.<!--color--></span>
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Members: 379
Pictures: 17
Category: Anime
Created: Feb 25, 2009
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