Seiya "Seiya Kodama" Kanie

Seiya Kanie

Amagi Brilliant Park
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Amagi Brilliant Park: Wakuwaku Mini Theater - Rakugaki Backstage
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Amagi Brilliant Park: Nonbirishiteiru Hima ga Nai!
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Amagi Brilliant Park
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Amagi Brilliant Park
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Member Favorites: 868

Seiya Kanie (可児江 西也)

Birthday: August 10

Seiya is the protagonist. He is a perfectionist high school student who has mental sharpness, intelligence, excellent reflexes, and acts like a prince. He used to be involved in the entertainment industry during his childhood and his stage name was Seiya Kodama. According to Isuzu, he was a child who would have made every adult proud; however, Seiya has told her that he died a long time ago. He receives from Latifah the magical power of listening to a person's heart, although this power only works once with each person.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Uchiyama, Kouki
Gibbs, Adam
Endemann, Jannik

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