
Hamatora The Animation
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Hamatora The Animation: Saishuukai Chokuzen! Mao ga Okuru
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Mini Hama: Minimum Hamatora
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Mini Hama: Minimum Hamatora Movies
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Hamatora The Comic
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Member Favorites: 751

Nice (ナイス)

The impulsive half of the "Minimum Holder PI duo" along with his partner Murasaki. He is constantly broke for money, partly due to the fact that he doesn't care about the cost of a job request more than what it entails.

He is a bit absent minded at times with little regard for whatever situation he is immediately in such as when he tries withdrawing cash during a bank robbery with armed thieves. Despite his seemingly carefree nature, he is a genius thinker and able to quickly assess information.

Voice Actors
Oosaka, Ryouta
Gibbs, Adam
Grant, Tiffany
Zeiger, Christian
Baehr, Patrick

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