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Disclaimer: The manga listed in this article contain dangerous quantities of sweetness. We here at MyAnimeList are concerned for our reader’s safety, and strongly recommend seeking treatment for diabetes after reading any of these titles.
by Paper-Tiger 229,800 views
Have yourself some merry little cute and cuddly anime toys! Christmas may be over but it’s still the season to be jolly, so don’t hold back and treat yourself and your family and friends to some super cute toys to celebrate the New Year!
by yukisakura7 28,783 views 20 Most Delicious and Best Prepared Anime Bento
A bento is a famous home-packed meal that can be seen very often in anime. It holds a special place in Japanese cuisine because it is prepared and arranged with love and care, therefore symbolizing an intimate connection. Let's take a look at 20 of the most delicious bento anime has to offer!