Marielle "Sunflower of Akiba"


Log Horizon
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Log Horizon 2nd Season
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Log Horizon: Entaku Houkai
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Log Horizon
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Log Horizon
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Log Horizon Gaiden: Honey Moon Logs
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Log Horizon: Nishikaze no Ryodan
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Member Favorites: 45

Marielle (マリエール)

Race: Elf
Class: Cleric
Subclass: Woodcrafter
Guild: Crescent Moon Alliance

Guild master of Crescent Moon Alliance. She's overly-friendly with everyone she meets, especially Naotsugu.

Voice Actors
Flecknoe, Maggie
Hara, Yumi
Pelerins, Laura
de Barros, Marcela
Portuguese (BR)
Chong, Cynthia

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