Ground Dragon

One Punch Man
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One Punch-Man
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Member Favorites: 3

Ground Dragon (グランド ドラゴン)

Race: Artificial Mutant
Gender: Male
Abilities: Weapon's; Mole Hands
Level: Tiger
Affiliation: House of Evolution
Debut: Chapter 8/Episode 2

Ground Dragon was an artificial mutant created by Dr. Genus of the House of Evolution.

Appearance: Ground Dragon is a large black mole with a white pattern in the form of Kanji that spells out "ground dragon." His only other distinctive feature is his large claws.

Personality: Not much is known about Ground Dragon's personality, due to his quick death at the hands of Saitama.

(Source: OnePunchMan Wikia)

Voice Actors
Hamazoe, Shinya
Diskin, Benjamin
Mazzotta, Fabrizio
Lelle, Tobias
Leblan, Jean-Pierre
Tatini, Adrian
Portuguese (BR)
Lacy, Daniel

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