Kana "Kanasuke" Suzuki

Kana Suzuki

Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
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Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Picture Drama
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Member Favorites: 30

Kana Suzuki (鈴木 佳奈)

Birthday: June 16
Blood type: B
Heigh: 148 cm (4'9")
Weigh: 41.1kg
3Sizes: 78/54/79

Kana is a girl with long, wavy blonde hair with a white Alice band and has a bright, polite personality. She is always active in contributing to the atmosphere in the room. She is a member of the Library Club and also has a part time job as a waitress. Kana has a mild allergy to cats.

Voice Actors
Sendai, Eri