Adolf Reinhardt

Terra Formars
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Terra Formars: Revenge
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Terra Formars
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Terra Formars Gaiden: Rain Hard
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Member Favorites: 438

Adolf Reinhardt (アドルフ・ラインハルト)

Nationality: Germany
Mars Ranking: #2
Age: 27
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 88 kg
Surgery Base: Electric Eel (Electrophorus Electricus)
Eye color: light green
Blood type: O
Favorite foods: his wife's cooked curry, formerly cabbage rolls.
Dislike: trash cans with springs that hold the lid too tightly
Birthdate: December 25 (Capricorn)
Talent: cooking all kinds of food

Despite his intimidating appearance and initial bluntness, Adolf is a really kind and caring person, who is willing to put his life on the line in order to protect those in his care. Despite hating what his wife did to him, he couldn't bring himself to divorce, as she was the first person that made him feel like a normal human. In the anime his selfless nature was shown at a very young age, when he volunteered to become the test subject of the M.O. Operation in order to save other children from the suffering. Because of his appearance, he always tried to look confident and menacing, hiding his loneliness.

(Source: Terra Formars Wikia)

Voice Actors
Yusa, Kouji
Takamori, Natsumi
Coadour, Alexandre
Naas, Stefan
Erholtz, Doug
Del Río, Ángel