Shinigami "Lord Death"


Soul Eater
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Soul Eater
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Top 15 Anime Gods and Goddesses

Top 15 Anime Gods and Goddesses

Scores of anime characters can level mountains, resurrect the dead, or perform similar feats but few possess the level of power necessary to truly be called a god. From warping reality as they see fit to changing the course of history for fun, these deities can influence whole worlds on a whim.

by NicWat10


Exclusive Soul Eater Tour through Death City, Nevada!

Exclusive Soul Eater Tour through Death City, Nevada!

Welcome to Death City! Located in Nevada, this exclusive Soul Eater location is the main setting for the series. Grab your bags, get your ticket, and let's take a tour through this unique location! You'll also meet the most notable characters along the way, so be sure to say hi.

by Camelot3


20 Running Jokes in Soul Eater

20 Running Jokes in Soul Eater

Soul Eater is an action-packed anime that maintains a light touch by breaking up heavy moments with well-timed jokes. Much of the humor in Soul Eater is derived from repetition and timing, with gags turning up when you least expect them. Here are 20 funny themes that recur throughout the series.

by shucklejuice


10 Hot Fights from Soul Eater

10 Hot Fights from Soul Eater

The most exciting feature of action anime is, of course, the action, and Soul Eater is no exception. When you throw in special abilities and transforming weapons, each fight gets that much more exhilarating. Here are 10 hot battles from Soul Eater that are sure to get your heart pounding!

by shucklejuice


20 Representative Quotes from Soul Eater

20 Representative Quotes from Soul Eater

Soul Eater is an anime that combines both hilarious jokes and hijinks with deep existential debates about the meaning of friendship and whether or not it would be better to live a life completely free of fear. Below are just 20 representative quotes from this great anime.

by purplesurge


Soul Eater: Weapon Mechanics

Soul Eater: Weapon Mechanics

The plot of Soul Eater is fantastic, but one of the anime's best features is its interpretation of the weapon as a living person. Not only do weapons in Soul Eater have personalities, but also extensive and incredibly interesting backgrounds. Read on to learn more about how they work!

by shucklejuice