Elizabeth "Liz" Thompson

Elizabeth Thompson

Soul Eater
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Soul Eater
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Member Favorites: 149

Elizabeth Thompson (エリザベス・トンプソン)

Liz is the other half of Death the Kid's Double Team Demon Guns. She is the older of the two sisters and the most mature. Both sisters wear cowgirl outfits (tight sleeveless shirt and cowboy hats) but Liz wears long jeans. She has a smaller bust size then her sisters, which annoys her to no end. She is more like a teenage girl (worried about make up, shopping, etc). If Kid isn't with them, she can use her sister's weapon form and vice verse. She and her sister collect souls in the magazines of their gun forms. She and her sister used to live on the streets of Brooklyn before being found by Kid.

Voice Actors
Watanabe, Akeno
Marchi, Jamie
Forest, Nayéli
Han, Chae Eon
Dal Fabbro, Marzia
Sperber, Traudel
Nogueira, Bruna
Portuguese (BR)
Estrada, Effy
Eszter Anna, Sipos

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