Eleonora "Ellen, Danseuse of the Sword, Wind Princess of the Silverflash" Viltaria

Eleonora Viltaria

Madan no Ou to Vanadis
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Madan no Ou to Vanadis: Tigre-kun to Vanadi-chu
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Madan no Ou to Vanadis
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Madan no Ou to Vanadis
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Member Favorites: 273

Eleonora Viltaria (エレオノーラ=ヴィルターリア)

Previously a mercenary, Eleonora is a war maiden of the Leitmeritz. She leads the Silver Meteor army with her sword that controls the wind. She made Tigre, the "main protagonist," fight under her, and in her own funny way, she develops feelings for him, or maybe it was for his bow skills.

She owns a dragon.

Voice Actors
Tomatsu, Haruka
Glass, Caitlin