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Belldandy is unflinchingly kind, patient, and warm, not only to Keiichi but to everyone, without exception. However, this does not mean that she is to be taken lightly; Belldandy is licensed as a goddess first-class, unlimited, and as such is highly skilled. Her power is so great, in fact, that she is required to wear a special earring on her left ear which constantly seals the full brunt of her magical strength. The only time at which she has ever revealed her true strength is during the Lord of Terror arc. At the end of this arc, Belldandy completely reconstructed their home from rubble, mentioning that doing so only took one ten-millionth of her power.
Belldandy's capacities and talents are diverse, whether magical or worldly. Not only can she change the appearance of her clothing and levitate (and, by extension, fly) as all full-fledged goddesses are expected to, but she can also teleport through mirrors, speak to and understand animals, "see" people's emotions as auras, heal minor wounds by speeding metabolism, and "speak" to machines. Furthermore, she is a superb cook, and her singing skills are held to be the best in the heavens. She is also incapable of getting drunk on alcoholic drinks, but instead gets drunk with soda (it has to be noted, however, that she's a complete lightweight in this regard. One sip is enough to send her in a drunken rampage—although given her personality, "rampage" takes an entirely different, but no less destructive, meaning). In addition, she is also the top broom racer in heaven, the only one that could rival her is Welsper from hell or Hild the Daimakaichou herself.
Belldandy's angel is Holy Bell (Bless餠Bell in some versions of the English manga); her elemental attribute is wind. Like all angels, Holy Bell augments Belldandy's magical powers when called upon, and like all angels, she also reflects her master's current state. For example, when Belldandy falls unconscious after being infected with a virus (in the movie), Holy Bell emerges comatose and covered with crystals that represent the virus.
Belldandy does not appear to play a significant role in maintaining Yggdrasil. Rather, she works at the Goddess Relief Agency which deals with granting wishes (forming contracts) with humans, similar to Peorth's work at the Earth Assistance Agency.
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