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Kyouichi Saionji (西園寺 莢一)Age: 17Birthday: August 25th Rose color: Green Sword: Sword of Dios, Katana Blood type: O (Anime) Drive to Duel: To find "something eternal," to claim Anthy as his Rose Bride, and to finally defeat Touga Vice-president of the Student Council and captain of the kendo team, and is the first duelist Utena fights. He is temperamental, egotistic, prone to angry rages, often cruel, and extremely possessive of Anthy. His belief that they are destined to be together no matter what drive him to be physically violent towards her and continue to pursue her even after their engagement is broken. He and Touga practice kendo together, but Saionji is clearly very resentful of Touga, and especially cannot bear to be humiliated by him (a fact which Touga shamelessly exploits). Saionji is less perceptive, intelligent, and skilled as Touga, and despite his best efforts can never seem to best him. He is regardless affected by this estrangement from his childhood friend. (Source: Wikipedia) Voice Actors