
One Punch Man
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One Punch Man 2nd Season
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One Punch-Man
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Member Favorites: 7

Snek (蛇咬拳のスネック)

Race: Human
Alias: Biting Snake Fist
Age Unknown
Gender: Male
Occupation: Superhero
Level: A-Class; Rank: 38
Affiliation: Heroes Association
Debut: Chapter 16

Sneck is an A-Class Superhero, rank 38. He was tasked with welcoming the new heroes for the National Superhero Registry Test that Saitama and Genos were a part of.

Sneck is a tall and very serious looking man with a rather angular face and sharp eyes, and has spikey black hair. He wears a snakeskin suit with a black shirt and a white tie.

(Source: One Punch-Man Wikia)

Voice Actors
Miki, Shinichiro
Thornton, Kirk
Pascal, Benjamin
Di Martino, Danilo
Missler, Robert
Emílio, César
Portuguese (BR)
Casany, José Manuel
Matus, Edson
Pellegrin, Patrick

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