Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: June 12
Height: 162cm (5'4")
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Orange (right eye), Blue (left eye)
Blood Type: O
Elizabeth is the third princess of Britannia. She is on a mission to find the Seven Deadly Sins, which are needed to help reclaim the Britannia kingdom.
When Hawk "dies," she is revealed as a "special existence" called the apostle of the goddesses and has special healing powers.
She is a reincarnation of Meliodas's love interest "Liz".
In the manga, it is revealed that she loves Meliodas.
He's the person you go to when you're lost, but refuse to introduce to your little sister. From Nanatsu no Taizai (The Seven Deadly Sins), Meliodas offers his fair share of wisdom, guts and charm! Check out 20 of his most awesome quotes!