Shino Inuzuka

Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun
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Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun 2nd Season
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Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun
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Member Favorites: 260

Shino Inuzuka (犬塚 信乃)

An 18-year old boy who is the holder of the Devotion bead. He is one of the five survivors of the destruction of Otsuka Village. He holds the living sword of Murasame on his right arm, along with a peony birthmark. Because of this, he still looks like a 13-year old. He has also been known to be weak and has crossdresssed when he was young. He is very close to Sousuke and Hamaji and regards them as siblings.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Kakihara, Tetsuya
Ayres, Greg
Chihara, Minori