
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!
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Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101-banme no Mamono
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Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu
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Konjiki no Gash!!
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Member Favorites: 3

Naomi (ナオミ)

Naomi is once of Gash's bullies in the park that she always grits her teeth. Gash is extremely frightened of Naomi because she is scary and he cannot use spells to defeat her. Even though Naomi is always mean to Gash, he genuinely cares about her, even attempting to save her from a lion at one point. One Naomi's noticeable attributes is her car. She drives a red toy car for one that has a picture of a man and a woman kissing on the front.

Naomi loves to mess around with Gash, for example she one time made him follow her as she bought things to bully him.

(Source: Zatch Bell! Wiki)

Voice Actors
Ruff, Michelle
Yamada, Kinoko
Combes, Caroline
Fava, Daniela
Santos, Angélica
Portuguese (BR)
Índigo, Irina