Takehito "Gakuto, Gackt" Morokuzu

Takehito Morokuzu

Prison School
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Prison School: Mad Wax
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Prison School
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Fukukaichou Ganbaru.
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Member Favorites: 2,395

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18 of the Funniest Anime Faces Ever

18 of the Funniest Anime Faces Ever

Some characters are funny because of all the crazy antics they get up to. But others just have the right kind of physiognomy, which make them prone to pulling off some funny anime faces - intentionally or unintentionally.

by MisterD98


Prison School Episode 2 Recap

Prison School Episode 2 Recap

Continuing from the previous episode with toilet themes, the price of seeing Hana peeing unfortunately equates to her forcing you to pee in front of her. Is it your fault though when Hana gets too close while you pee?