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Top 20 Popular Anime Names for Boys and Girls on MAL

Top 20 Popular Anime Names for Boys and Girls on MAL

As our beloved medium grows bigger and bigger, it has become apparent that certain anime names are used more often than others... a lot more often. Here is a list of the 20 most common names for boys and girls in anime.
12 Best Romantic Comedy Anime of All Time

12 Best Romantic Comedy Anime of All Time

Great for a good laugh, a rainy day or cozying up to with a tub of ice cream; these are the top 12 romantic comedy anime of all time!

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20 Anime Boys With Brown Hair To Distract and Tantalize

20 Anime Boys With Brown Hair To Distract and Tantalize

Brown-haired anime guys may not stand out as much as those with hair of other colors, but don't underestimate their inherent hotness.

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