Pegasus J. "Maximillion Pegasus" Crawford

Pegasus J. Crawford

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters GX
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Hikari no Pyramid
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! R
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters: Hikari no Pyramid
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Member Favorites: 214

Pegasus J. Crawford (ペガサス・ジェイ・クロフォード)

Age: 24
Birthday: 8 October
Blood type: A
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Favourite food: Wine and Gorgonzola cheese
Least favourite food: Cuttlefish and squid

The eccentric American Chairman of Industrial Illusions (shortened to I²) and the creator of the game Duel Monsters (originally Magic & Wizards. He is the wielder of the Millennium Eye. Pegasus quickly establishes himself as the manga's fourth main antagonist (and the second anime adaptation's first main antagonist), challenging Yugi to a Shadow Game in order to force him to come to his tournament Duelist Kingdom and face him, taking the soul of his grandfather Sugoroku Mutou as a Penalty Game for losing the timed match to ensure this. Throughout the battles to get to Pegasus's castle, Yugi is seen talking to his grandfather through the use of a camcorder. In the second anime, he traps Sugoroku in a Soul Prison Duel Monsters card. Pegasus also kidnaps Mokuba to convince his brother Seto Kaiba to come as well, later capturing their souls, too.

In the second anime, as the creator of the card game Duel Monsters and the discoverer of their ancient Egyptian roots, Pegasus often plays a key role due to his extensive knowledge of the game and its mysterious origins. Pegasus J. Crawford is his name in Japanese versions, while Maximillion Pegasus is his name in the VIZ Media-translated manga.

(Source: Wikipedia, Yugipedia)

Voice Actors
Moneta, Claudio
Dunstan, Darren
Crespo, Rodrigo
Takasugi Jay, Jiro
Amajones, Affonso
Portuguese (BR)
Levy, Gadi
Zimmerman, Brian
Gama, Gabriel
Barbieux, Romain
Hagen, Till
Monteiro, Dado
Portuguese (BR)
Corsetti, Sérgio
Portuguese (BR)
Léonard, Arnaud
Legendre, Joël
Pacheco, Rafael
Covarrubias, Víctor
Mendiola, Roberto
Moratalla, Cholo

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