Nobara "Yuki-Onna" Yukinokouji

Nobara Yukinokouji

Inu x Boku SS
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Inu x Boku SS: Miketsukami-kun Henka/Switch/Omamagoto
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Inu x Boku SS
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Member Favorites: 89

Nobara Yukinokouji (雪小路野ばら)

Age: Appears 19 - 20
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: January 6

The partner of Sorinozuka, she is a Yuki-onna (Snow woman). In her human form, she wears glasses and it seems to love fashion and girls. In her youkai form, she wears a long white dress. In her free time she likes to see adult magazines with beautiful women and she shares and discusses those moments with Sorinozuka.

Manga spoiler:

Voice Actors
Calene-Black, Shelley
Hikasa, Youko

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