Yuuya "Argos 1, Top Gun" Bridges

Yuuya Bridges

Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
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Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Recap - Climax Chokuzen Special
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Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
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Member Favorites: 40

Yuuya Bridges (ユウヤ・ブリッジス)

The protagonist of Total Eclipse. A Japanese American from the American army. An excellent US Army test pilot sent to the Yukon Base in Alaska to be the chief development pilot of the XFJ Plan. The son of a Japanese father and an American mother, he holds a complex born from his childhood experiences.

Chobi often refers to him as "Top Gun."

For some reason he and Yui don't see eye to eye despite of the fact that she outranks him and he's very oblivious about her feelings for him.

(Source: Muv-Luv Wikia)

Voice Actors
Vincent-Davis, Kira
Ono, Daisuke
Ise, Mariya
Hartzog, Corey
Bastidas, Iván
Ferreira, Gideão
Portuguese (BR)