Gammon "Galileo, Setsu Chido" Sakanoue

Gammon Sakanoue

Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle
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Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle - Orpheus Order-hen
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Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle - Shukuteki! Rätsel-hen
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Phi Brain: Saigo no Puzzle
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Member Favorites: 31

Gammon Sakanoue (逆之上ギャモン)

A red haired Solver with the title, 'Galileo'. He solves puzzle for money purposes and is often trying to get ahead of Kaito in order to claim the purported treasures offered by the POG. He appears to have a crush on Nonoha and even enters a cross-dressing contest to show her his feminine side. Gammon holds a very competitive rivalry to Kaito. He calls him "Bakaito", a combination of Kaito's name and the Japanese word "baka", meaning idiot. Kaito and him seem to have quite a few similarities, their hot temper being the most obvious.

Gammon is always seen with his leather jacket and pants, giving him a delinquent appearance along with his hairstyle and his way of talking. He also rides a motorcycle.

The origin of his name comes from the board game "Backgammon".

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Fukuyama, Jun
Patton, Chris