Morgiana "Mori, Morg"


Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
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Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
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What is Moe: Top 15 Kawaii and Moe Anime Girls

What is Moe: Top 15 Kawaii and Moe Anime Girls

Ever fallen a little bit in love with an anime character? That's "moe" you're feeling! Characters that are particularly cute—or "kawaii"—get lots of affection, whether it's for their looks or their actions. Here are 15 "moe" girls you'll wish you could give a big hug!
Top 20 Best Anime of 2013

Top 20 Best Anime of 2013

The world of anime in 2013 was a whirlwind of quality. Some of the most popular shows in recent history came out this season, giving anime a massive popularity boost overseas. We've collected the top 20 anime of 2013, based on their MAL scores. Are your favorites on the list?
Top 50 Anime Girls with Pink Hair on MAL

Top 50 Anime Girls with Pink Hair on MAL

Here's a list of the top 50 pink-haired characters from the anime world based on MAL rankings. Anyone who's under the illusion that all things pink are to be placed under the category of "kawaii" need an awakening, because these girls with pink hair are far from being marshmallows or show pieces.
Top 25 Badass Anime Warrior Girls

Top 25 Badass Anime Warrior Girls

"I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass." Who are we to disagree with the wise words of Spike Spiegel, no slouch himself in the ass-kicking department? We all have our favorite anime warrior girls. Read on to find out if your favorite made the cut in this list.
Top 15 Best Anime Legs: Flawlessness of Anime Legs

Top 15 Best Anime Legs: Flawlessness of Anime Legs

Fan service is not only about boobs and butts. There's also legs! They may be under-appreciated but they are just as good if not better. Let's help promote them by taking this time to appreciate their flawlessness!
Dynamics of the Main Party in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic with GIFs

Dynamics of the Main Party in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic with GIFs

The main trio of Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, are more than simply close compatriots. They showcase the connection between the Magi, the King Vessel, and the Household they command. Let's take a look with GIF images to showcase this.

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1,001 Nights of Magi: the Historical Origins of Magi Characters

1,001 Nights of Magi: the Historical Origins of Magi Characters

Did some of the names in Magi sound just a tiny bit familiar to you? That’s because many Magi characters draw their names and inspiration from a certain famous Middle Eastern collection of stories. Better get ready, because it’s going to be a long 1,001 nights!
Magical Music of the Magi: Labyrinth of Magic OST

Magical Music of the Magi: Labyrinth of Magic OST

The Magi: Labyrinth of Magic OST is filled with tons of beautiful, magical songs. The music is catchy, cheerful and perfectly suitable for this anime, which is filled with adventure and fantasy. Let's take a closer look at this whimsical soundtrack!
20 Emotionally Accessible Quotes from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

20 Emotionally Accessible Quotes from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Magi:The Labyrinth of Magic has a plot that moves quickly and is filled with subjects of magic, political distress, morality, friendship, and hope. These subjects makes it easy for anyone watching to feel something, whether it's anger or bliss. So here are 20 quotes that touch your heart.