Kiyomaro "Kiyo, Piyomaro" Takamine

Kiyomaro Takamine

Konjiki no Gash Bell!!
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Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: 101-banme no Mamono
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Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Mecha Vulkan no Raishuu
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Konjiki no Gash Bell!!: Ougon no Chichi wo Motsu Otoko
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Konjiki no Gash!!
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Doubutsu no Kuni
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Konjiki no Gash!! 2
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Types of Partnerships Between Mamodos and Bookkeepers in Zatch Bell!!

Types of Partnerships Between Mamodos and Bookkeepers in Zatch Bell!!

In Zatch Bell!! (Konjiki no Gash Bell!!), children and teenagers from another world called mamodos team up with special bookkeepers in order to compete with one another for the right to become the next king. But are the partnerships that form really that simple? Let's take a look!

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