The Phoenix "Firebird, Hi no Tori"

The Phoenix

Hi no Tori
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Hi no Tori 2772: Ai no CosmoZone
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Hi no Tori: Houou-hen
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Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen
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Hi no Tori: Yamato-hen
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Tezuka Osamu ga Kieta?! 20-seiki Saigo no Kaijiken
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Hi no Tori: Hagoromo-hen
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Fire Bird
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Hi no Tori (1967)
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Member Favorites: 21

The Phoenix (火の鳥)

The Phoenix is an immortal entity that has taken part in multiple stories during the course of human history. This being is shown to have sympathy with many characters in Osamu Tezuka's stories, and often share its seemingly unlimited powers to help them reach their destinies.

Resembling the fire bird from the mythology of same name, The Phoenix not only is capable of being reborn from flames, but also is capable of healing others and even granting them immortality.

The Phoenix has also shown to have taken part in not just the human history, but also all species' course of evolution, including the humans' and even the earth's rise and downfall multiple times, if not the whole universe's altogether.

Voice Actors
Touma, Yumi
Ikeda, Masako
Takeshita, Keiko
Bregni, Francesca
Domanowski, Heide
Gilad, Suzanne

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