Arisa "Uo-chan" Uotani

Arisa Uotani

Fruits Basket
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Fruits Basket 1st Season
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Fruits Basket 2nd Season
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Fruits Basket: The Final
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Fruits Basket
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Member Favorites: 248

Arisa Uotani (魚谷 ありさ)

Age: 16–17

Arisa is a former gang member (a "yankee"; a Japanese version of the American "gangster thug" image) and has been one of Tooru's closest friends since Tohru's mother helped her escape from the gang (called "The Ladies") when she wanted to leave it. Arisa is tough, brash, and sometimes violent but cries easily when it comes to her friends. She wears long skirts, carries a lead pipe, and often speaks like a man (in Japanese, different word choices can categorize a speaker as male or female). Arisa likes to play cards, protect Tooru from Yuki's fangirls, and swim. Her "convoluted" personality stems from home problems early in her life, when her mother left Arisa and her father for another man; her father became an alcoholic after his rejection. This caused Arisa to become harsh and jaded in her views of the world until she met the kind Tooru and her mother, Kyoko. With her overprotective and rather "parental" protection of Tooru with Hana-chan, she comes off as the brash and direct "father" figure.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Imai, Yuka
Fakhri, Parisa
Manoury, Agnès
Tanezaki, Atsumi
Maxwell, Elizabeth
dos Reis, Cris
Portuguese (BR)
Rochet, Bérangère
Arruti, Lourdes
Brock, Farina
Lluch, Eva